Fantasy Behavior Scale: The Psychometric Properties




The development of a 24-item self-report scale for measuring fantasy behavior in populations
is described, the concept was elucidated, theories and the previous studies that are
applicable to fantasy behavior were applied and reviewed. The study also established the
psychometric qualities and properties of the Fantasy Behavior Scale (FBS). Series of
analyses was used to reduce the item pool from an initial 30 items to 24 items. The result of
the factor loading for fantasy scale shows that the items loaded into seven (7) components,
but most of the items loaded highest on five (5) factors or components which were named as
follows: component one (fantasy behavior),loaded 17 items (8.56); component two (control
over fantasy behavior), loaded 3 items (2.134); component three (attitude towards fantasy
behavior), loaded 1 item (1.71); component four (loss of touch with reality), loaded 2 items
(1.48) and component five (defense mechanism), loaded 1 item (1.44). The resulting (FBS) is
a 24–item scale that showed high internal consistency (α = .910) and a subsequent
reliability of (α = .881). It also showed external validity of r = .766 (2-tailed) when
correlated with fantasy proneness scale.

Author: Paschal Kandilichukwu Officha

School of Psychotherapy and Health Sciences, Okija Campus



The development of a 24-item self-report scale for measuring fantasy behavior in populations
is described, the concept was elucidated, theories and the previous studies that are
applicable to fantasy behavior were applied and reviewed. The study also established the
psychometric qualities and properties of the Fantasy Behavior Scale (FBS). Series of
analyses was used to reduce the item pool from an initial 30 items to 24 items. The result of
the factor loading for fantasy scale shows that the items loaded into seven (7) components,
but most of the items loaded highest on five (5) factors or components which were named as
follows: component one (fantasy behavior),loaded 17 items (8.56); component two (control
over fantasy behavior), loaded 3 items (2.134); component three (attitude towards fantasy
behavior), loaded 1 item (1.71); component four (loss of touch with reality), loaded 2 items
(1.48) and component five (defense mechanism), loaded 1 item (1.44). The resulting (FBS) is
a 24–item scale that showed high internal consistency (α = .910) and a subsequent
reliability of (α = .881). It also showed external validity of r = .766 (2-tailed) when
correlated with fantasy proneness scale.

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